I was commissioned to build a standing desk for two people at the same time. I had never heard of a standing desk and was a little skeptical about them. After I was asked to make them, I did some research about the health benefits of having one of these desks. As it turns out, they can help you to stay healthy in several ways. I won’t delve into that here, I’ll just get right to the build. If you want to know more about these benefits just do a Google search.
Just like my last build, I first start by measuring and cutting out the top sections. Then I cut out all of the frame pieces. These all consist of 2×2 pine from my local hardware store.
Once I have the pieces cut out, I stack them together to make sure I have everything I need to complete the project. It was at this point that I realized that I made a mistake on a few pieces and had to redo them. Once all of the parts are correct, the half laps can be cut out. I use a stop block on my sled to make sure I can repeat the cuts multiple times.
All of these joints basically fit together like a puzzle. Each one gets some glue and screws to hold it in place. Finally, the tops are put into place. For the tops, I chose to only use screws without glue. This is because there is no structural advantage to adding glue here.
If you are wanting to see the full build, check out the video that I made for my YouTube Channel. I also have other creations that I have made posted on my channel. If you enjoy the content that I produce, please consider subscribing. Additionally, I have a Facebook page that you can follow.