Building a DIY Kids Play Table

DIY kids play table

This DIY kids play table was very easy to build. I made it into two sections that screw together for easy transport in the future.

When I work on any project that has a specific surface area, I always cut that piece out first.  This was no exception.  I cut out the plywood tops and then framed them into place.  The table top is 1/2″ plywood and the frame consists of 2×2 pieces of pine.  Therefore, wood glue and screws are how I attach the top to the frame.

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I was really proud of myself for coming up with the jig to cut the legs.  I don’t have a miter sled for my table saw, so I screwed some scrap wood down to my work table and cut the angle that I wanted.  By doing it this way, the cut was repeatable for all six legs of the table.  They are held in place with glue and screws before the skirt is attached.

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Finally, the skirt also gets affixed with glue and screws into its home.  Like I said at the beginning of this article, this table was very easy to build.  I am certain that even a beginner woodworker could complete this table without overwhelming themselves.  The final picture shows how the customer setup the table.  I really like how it turned out.  I know for a fact that the kid loves it!  When I delivered it to their house, he was so excited to have a table where he could play with his dinosaurs.

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If you are wanting to see the full build, check out the video that I made for my YouTube Channel.  I also have other creations that I have made posted on my channel.  If you enjoy the content that I produce, please consider subscribing.  Additionally, I have a Facebook page that you can follow.

Building the DIY Kids Play Table:

